Who We Are
Student Life & Leadership is rich with activities, events, community, and leadership development programs.
We are Student Life & Leadership and we are here for students.
As individuals, we are caring and welcoming to all students and strive to promote a culture where students are valued, validated, and appreciated. We believe that it is our responsibility to engage in equity minded work and support our campus community.
As a team, we are professionals that are competent and reliable and value transparency when providing support. We are the subject experts of student life, student development, and leadership. Our real strength comes from our ability to effectively develop and nurture relationships across the district with all departments, staff, faculty, and students.
Engage in Your Spartan Experience
Join clubs, events, and find community by visiting MiraCosta.edu/Engage or by clicking the Spartan Experience button below!
What We Do
- Support the Associated Student Government
- Support Student Clubs and Organizations
- Support The Chariot (student news)
- Host Social, Recreational, Leadership, and Educational Programming
- Run the Emerging Leaders Institute
- Offer Campus Posting Opportunities
- Support On-Campus Events
These services enhance the educational experience of students and foster social, intellectual, and physical growth. Our staff is firmly committed to actively promoting student involvement and development.
Students who are interested in working for Student Life & Leadership can apply to join our team here.
Visit our Instagram @MCC4StudentLife to learn more about what we do!