- 辅导 -选项 所有 学生包括 面对面 和/或 在线 的支持:
- 在线图书馆支持 - library resources and 24x7 librarian chat
- 技术支持
- Additional student services available 在线 include:
- 教师支持在线教育
Please note: Most of 的se resources can also be accessed within Canvas through 的 学生支援中心.
Did you know that each year, MiraCosta大学 offers over 600 hybrid and fully 在线 classes, and half of all MiraCosta students take a distance education class? 查看所有这些类的列表 在当前和即将到来的学期. Many instructors provide detailed information to help you decide if a particular class is right for you, and to learn how to get 从在线课程开始.
- Use this checklist if you need to know how to enroll in an 在线 class at MiraCosta
- Review 的se tips for success as an 在线 learner and 的 technical requirements for taking an 在线 class
Student Online Academic Readiness (SOAR)
- 米拉科斯塔提供了很多 Student Online Academic Readiness 1-hour workshops 在线 and in person during weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9 of each semester. 学生可以 select a workshop time and sign up in advance. (This used to be called 的 Student Orientation to Online Learning.)
- MiraCosta students can self-enroll in 的 Canvas SOAR course to have access to all 的 resources and practice opportunities provided 的re. 请注意, though, that students must participate in a live workshop in order to be credited 完成这个.
- 教师可以 learn more about 的 content of 的 SOAR and how to know which students have attended SOAR会议.
- 你可能 查看研讨会的录音 (just over an hour long) from fall 2022. Use 的 playback bar or 的 interactive
transcript on 的 right to navigate to 的 most useful parts of 的 video for you:
- start - 3:10 - Welcome and discussion of how SOAR attendance is counted
- 3:10 - 10:00 Overview of Zoom interface and tips for using Zoom
- 10:00 - 15:50 - Discussion of using 的 annotation tool in Zoom, and 的 benefits and challenges that come with 的 flexibility of taking classes 在线
- 15:52 - 17:30 - Overview of 的 content for 的 rest of 的 session
- 17:30 - 28:12 - Question-driven discussion about tools and methods to manage your time and plan your work for your 在线 classes. 录音没有捕捉到 interactive question that was shown during 的 session, but 的 question, answers, and responses from 的 live participants are described and shown in 的 chat (far 缩放记录窗口的右选项卡).
- 28:15 - 29:36 - Transition as 的 participants self-enroll in 的 Canvas Online Academic Readiness Canvas course. (跳过这部分!)
- 29:37 - 34:20 - Overview of Canvas in general, Canvas course navigation, and 的 Student Online Academic Readiness course content and organization.
- 34:21 - 44:14 - Discussion of resources that support accessing, selecting, enrolling, starting strong, and keeping you going in 在线 MiraCosta classes.
- 44:15 - 51:07 - Overview of Canvas practice area inside 的 course, discussion of tools for accessing Canvas material in alternate formats, demonstration of Canvas global navigation features, and discussion of 的 Canvas Student mobile app.
- 51:08 - 53:42 - Demonstration of how to access various 在线 resources and live support folks through Canvas including 技术支持 and 的 学生支援中心 with 在线 tutoring, writing center, counseling, and much more.
- 53:45 - 58:28 Demonstration of library resources accessible through Canvas.
- 58:29 - 59:29 Main session conclusion and transition (跳过这部分!)
- 59:30 - 1:05:10 More in-depth demonstration of 在线 library research resources
- 学生服务台
760.795.6655 - Dr. 吉姆·朱利叶斯
在线教育学院主任 - 凯伦Turpin